Our Collection of Articles Related to Korea’s Dokdo Island.
This page is a compilation of information related to Dokdo – Takeshima Island’s history. Also you can find pages with some political commentary about the Dokdo Island dispute as well. Each summary in this index has a brief description. Please click the thumbnail image to access the articles. Take a look and see why Dokdo Island is indeed Korean territory!
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Recently discovered records from Japan’s Military Archives (JACAR) prove without a doubt, Japan had a military objective before annexing Dokdo. From Classified Records of Japan’s Second Fleet and Secret Directives between top Japanese Admirals, we learn Japan’s annexation of Dokdo was anything but peaceful.

Japan’s MOFA claims a Japanese fisherman from Oki Islands submitted an application to lease Liancourt Rock and this was the basis for Japan’s incorporation of Takeshima (Dokdo). Digging deeper into Nakai Yozaburo’s 1906 Biography by Okuhara Hekiun, we see Japan’s real motives for annexing Dokdo.
Most Requested Articles
Some of our pages have become quite popular over the years. Many contain Dokdo [Takeshima] Island images and historical records you will not find anywhere else.

E Laporte’s report of Japanese aggression against Koreans living on Ulleungdo. Here we introduce Uldo Governor Bae Gye Ju and get a very clear description of life in the Ulleungdo – Dokdo region at the turn of the 20th Century. A must read!!

On November 24th, 1904, a telegram message was sent by the Chief-of-Staff of the Second Fleet, to the Vice Commander-In-Chief. Watchtower plans for Dokdo were made months before Japan annexed the island by Japanese top military officers.

Starting in 1902, Ulleungdo taxed those who fished off Ulleungdo’s waters. In 1904, Japanese Export Records show abalone exported from Ulleungdo and Dokdo were Korean products. This shows Korea exercised a degree of sovereignty over Dokdo through their economic involvement with the island.

Through images and historical documents it becomes clear Dokdo Island was considered part of Korean territory. Here you will find images of Dokdo Island as it would have been seen by Koreans for over a thousand years.

Take an inside look at the Japanese Government’s unethical lobby methods involving the Dokdo [Takeshima] Island dispute. Then you will understand why Japan’s neighbors don’t trust Japan. You may be very surprised. A must read!

In 2005, on the 100th anniversary of Japan’s 1905 annexation of Dokdo (Takeshima) Japan began to celebrate Takeshima Day. The historical circumstances surrounding Japan’s annexation of Dokdo are explained. Find out why Koreans are outraged.

This little-known historical record proves Japan considered Dokdo Takeshima Island as part of Korean territory. Color coded maps related to a trespassing incident on Korea’s Ulleungdo island are included. You won’t find this information on pro-Japanese websites.

After the An Yong Bok incidents Japan’s Shogunate inquired to Shimane prefecture and concluded both Ulleungdo and Dokdo were not part of Japan. These records reveal Japan’s 17th Century activities on Ulleungdo and Dokdo were not acts of sovereignty.

Following the beginning of Japan’s Meiji Era, it was yet confirmed Ulleungdo and Dokdo were not part of Japan. Included are historical maps of Japan’s Shimane Prefecture that clearly excluded Dokdo [Takeshima] from Japanese territory.

A team of Japanese who gave detailed information about relations with Chosun (Korea) confirmed both Ulleungdo and Dokdo (Takeshima) were part of Korea. Maps and images from the ealry Meiji Era are used to support this research.
World War Two and Dokdo Island
These articles detail the long decision process Allied Command went through in deciding ownership of former Japanese territories after the Second World War. It solves the controversy over confidential U.S. military memorandums.

A page of documents and maps related to the Allied Command’s policy toward Dokdo before and after World War Two. This includes the Cairo Convention and the Potsdam Declaration the were the foundations for the Japan Peace Treaty (San Francisco Peace Treaty)

Although the Japanese Government insists the Japan Peace Treaty granted Dokdo to Japan, this complete study of Post World War II negotiations dispels this myth. Original records and maps take us through the decision process of the U.S. Military and Allied Command after WWII.
Miscellaneous Historical Maps and Dokdo – Takeshima Island
Throughout the years we’ve collected many maps of Korea and Dokdo from different sources. These articles study assorted charts and how they relate to Japan and Korea’s historical claim to these disputed islets.

The first page studies a Japanese map discovered by Japanese Researcher Professor Hosaka Yuji. This 1894 color-coded map clearly shows Ulleungdo and Dokdo as part of Korea. These images are highly detailed and clickable.

A Japanese map showing which islands and territory were part of Japan, Korea and Russia. It was drawn in 1785 and later referened by Henrich Klaproth in 1832. Ulleungdo and Dokdo are part of Korea and Oki Islands are Japan’s limit.

A naval map drawn by Russian cartographers shows excellent detail of Korea’s Ulleungdo and Dokdo – Takeshima. It’s title alone indicates these islands were considered as part of Korea.

This chart of Japan had an appended map of Korea on the upper left corner. Within the boundary of Korea can be seen both Ulleungdo and Dokdo – Takeshima.

Around 1840, incorrect European maps of Japan and Korea affected Japanese maps of the early Meiji Era. The Japanese Government claims that these maps do not really show Dokdo as Korean land. This in-depth study helps to clear up this confusion by closely examining Japanese historical maps.

Just around a year before Japan annexed Dokdo Takeshima Island, this Japanese chart shows Dokdo Island within the territorial boundary of Korea. Dokdo Island is found within the national limits of Korea

Those who have studied the Dokdo problem know that the reason Japan annexed Dokdo was to install a military watchtower and telegraph base on the island. This page give details about the situation in the Ulleungdo and Dokdo region during this war.

Original maps from war explain the strategic importance of Dokdo to Japan’s Imperial Navy. These are the records the Japanese government doesn’t want you to see!
Japanese Expansionism and Dokdo Island
These pages use historical maps and records to explain how Japan expanded their empire in all directions during the Meiji Era. There are original maps and records related to Ulleungdo Island as well.

This page details Japan’s military activities on Korean territory in 1904 during the Russo-Japanese War. The first page focuses mostly on Dokdo’s sister island Ulleungdo. Here original Japanese war maps show the location of Japanese Military bases all across Korea and Ulleungdo.

The following article details the Japanese military bases on Korea’s coastal regions and outlying islands. Japanese Naval maps of telegraph lines and watchtowers on Dokdo are also included.

Page Three shows the location of Japanese military watchtowers all across Korea, China and Shimane Prefecture. The final map shows Japan’s Naval telegraph line completed from Korea’s Northeast coast to Ulleungdo, Dokdo, and finally Matsue Japan.

An inside look into the expansionist policy of Japan in 1905. Read how Japan’s government secretly annexed Dokdo Island during the Russo~Japanese War in 1905. Japanse citizens should read this page.

Based on an article from Japanese researcher Shojin Saito this page explains Japanese territorial expansionism across Asia and Korea during the Meiji Era.

Few people know that all Japanese involvement was really through Dokdo’s sister island Ulleungdo. These pages describe Japan’s repeated illegal activity on this historically important island.

In 1882 Japanese settlers began to settle on Korea’s Ulleungdo Island. This document explains how Japan invaded Korea’s territory decades before their military seized Dokdo (Takeshima) Island.

Japanese illegal logging on Dokdo’s sister island Ulleungdo led to the forcible evacuation of Japanese in 1883. However, not long after, the Japanese again invaded Korea’s Ulleungdo.

After the incorporation of Dokdo Island a regional newspaper from Oki Island announces it is “expanding” it’s territory to include Dokdo Island. This article proves the island was not a part of Japanese territory before 1905. It also shows Japan’s annexation of Dokdo was an “expansion” not an affirmation of ownership.